Microchipping FAQs

Microchipping FAQs for Pet Owners

Magruder-Tabb Animal Clinic in Yorktown, VA, is proud to offer veterinary care near you for your pet. When it comes to protecting your pets, microchipping them can be a key part of ensuring they stay safe. Here are some frequently asked questions (and answers) about microchipping that pet owners may want to know:

Microchipping FAQs

What Is Microchipping?

A microchip is a very small chip that is usually the same size as a grain of rice. Once your pet gets one, the microchip is activated by a scanner that passes over the area, which transmits your pet’s ID number to the scanner for easy identification. Microchipping your pet is quick, easy, and mostly painless.

How Does the Process Work?

The microchip is injected into the skin by the veterinarian using a small needle and is mostly painless. There is no surgery required and you can have your pet microchipped during a regular veterinary visit. You can also have him microchipped during another surgery while he is already under anesthesia, if you choose.

What Does Microchipping Include?

The microchip contains your pet’s unique identification number, which is linked to your personal information. That information may include your address, name, and phone number, so if your pet gets lost, he can easily be traced back to you. The microchip database will allow you to store the information and update it as needed. However, it’s important to note that the microchip inserted by a veterinarian is not a GPS-tracking device.

How Can a Microchip Help Me and My Pets?

Microchipping your pet is a great way to make sure he is easy to find if he ever gets lost. If your pet does get lost but then gets found and taken to a veterinary clinic or animal shelter, the staff will scan for the chip. If they find the chip and your account has up-to-date and accurate information, you will be contacted. This gives you an opportunity to hopefully reunite with your animal companion quickly if you ever get separated.

Get Veterinary Care and Pet Microchipping from a Veterinarian Near You

If you’re interested in learning more about microchipping your pet or if you need to schedule a veterinary appointment for your pet, contact our team at Magruder-Tabb Animal Clinic in Yorktown, VA, by calling us at (757) 865-6510 today. A veterinarian near you is here to help.


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